When Olympiacos met with «King» Lebron (Pics – Video)

It’s been 10 years since Olympiacos flew across the Atlantic to play two friendly games against NBA teams. The ‘reds’ played against he San Antonio Spurs at first and then faced King Lebron’s and Shaq’s Cleveland Cavaliers.
The first friendly game against the Spurs took place on October 10, 2009 and three days later, Olympiacos was in Clevaland. We drew unposted photos and material from said game, which Kostas Papanikolaou remembers better than anyone, since he was selected by coach Giannakis to guard Lebron, when still at 19 years of age.
The final score, just like that of the game in Texas, is irrelevant, since the experience for everyone was insurmountable.