One Team: Coach Shaq! (pics)
The first visit at the SEF for the kids that are temporarily hosted as Asylum Seekers in the relevant facilities in Schisto, will remain in their minds forever! And that's because the coach for the ONE Team practice was Shaquielle McKissic.
Olympiacos' American forward shared the secrets of basketball with our athletes, who came for the first time in contact with the basketball through the program.
Apart from teaching the sports' fundamentals, the practice had - as always - a double goal. To help them realize the importance of collaboration and being a good team mate, and that when you join a team, it is imperative that you follow the rules and play fair.
Το καλύτερο, όμως, ο Σακίλ ΜακΚίσικ τους το κράτησε για μετά το τέλος του μαθήματος! Το αστέρι των «ερυθρολεύκων» έδωσε σε όλους (ακόμη και στους συνοδούς) από μία υπογεγραμμένη φανέλα του.
Shaquielle McKissic kept the best for last though! The 'red & whites' start gave everyone (even those accompanying the athletes) a signed replica of his jersey.