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One Team: Silver medal for Olympiacos!

Olympiacos was among the winners for yet another season! Specifically, the ‘red & whites’ One Team program won the silver award for the 2022-2023 season!, Also, Sasha Vezenkov was voted as the best ONE Team ambassador for last season!

Our team had won back to back first places in the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, following two second places in the 3027-2018 and 2019-2020 seasons. Also, our permanent ONE Team ambassador for the past seven years, Kostas Papanikolaou, had been awarded best ambassador honors last season.

“We feel lucky and blessed to have been able to offer people and all the more, children, the opportunity to smile, learn and distinguish themselves” was what the head of the program Penny Jovanovic said. “All of us who participate the ONE Team program, coaches, volunteers and collaborators, we try to do our best. This award is a huge achievement and not only makes us happy, but also gives us the strength to continue with the same drive”.