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Huge win at the OAKA!

Olympiacos played a huge game at the OAKA, bested Panathinaikos 89-84 and made the 1st break of the finals. Now, our team, assisted by its fans, will give it all on Friday (07/06, 20:30 CET) at the SEF to get its second win.  

Relying on good perimeter percentages (they began with 3/3 threes by Peters and one by Papanikolaou) and with Milutinov dominating the post, the 'red & whites' imposed their rhythm and got to lead by 9 (9-18) at 8'. Then, it was the 'greens' turn to open fire from the 3-point line and with a partial 11-1 to get ahead in the score for the first time at 11' (20-19). Panathinaikos continued striking from the long range (31-29 at 15'), however, with a superb defensive game and Goss and Petrusev running point in the offense, our team regained control of the game (31-38) at 17' and maintained it up to the end of the first half (37-46). It's worth noting of the superb defense Larentzakis played on Nunn during that time, as well as Milutinov's numbers (11p., 8 reb.).

In the second half, Bartzokas' players did not slow down... Building up on their defense and with Walkup taking center stage, they increased the distance to 14p. (44-58 at 23'), deflected Panathinaikos' attempt at coming back and closed the third quarter at +10 (56-66). Following the same strategy, our team not only maintained absolute control, but was found leading by 15 (61-76) at 35'. Hasty choices in the offense and a sub-par defensive operation at that time allowed the 'greens' to reply with a partial score of 11-3 and close into 7p. (72-79, 2:35'') before the final buzzer). But they never got to finish the job... The hosts sent the game at the free-throws roulette and despite the 'red & whites' weren't 100%, they had the calm to maintain the distance (74-84). Panathinaikos did not give up the fight. They took advantage of our team's turnovers and with a three and foul by Sloukas closed in 84-87 with 2'' on the clock. About 1'' before the final buzzer, Papapetrou sent Walkup to the free-throw line, who made both of his free-throws and sealed the win for Olympiacos. 

The quarters: 17-19, 37-46, 56-66, 84-89.

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