
OLYMPIACOS AND NOVO gave children joy
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OLYMPIACOS BC and NOVO NORDISK organized a special event for the autistic children of Piraeus. In the Olympiacos museum at “Georgios Karaiskakis”, Giannis Bourousis and Yotam Halperin gave gifts and…

Josh Childress at the Moraites Schools
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Josh Childress visited the Moraites Schools on Monday morning and answered the questions made by pupils of the fifth and sixth grade. In a packed auditorium, Olympiacos’ American guard answered quest…

Μοίρασαν χαρά και δώρα...
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Η ΚΑΕ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ και η Pepsi επισκέφτηκαν το απόγευμα το Ίδρυμα Αρρένων Χατζηκώνστα και μοίρασαν δώρα και χαρά στα μικρά παιδιά. Οι Σοφοκλής Σχορτσανίτης, Πάτρικ Μπέβερλι και Κώστας Παπανικολάου συνά…